The Vintage Sweater Girl ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince )
Where do I begin? The Vintage Sweater Girl look is a favorite of mine. When I have posted slide shows or images of vintage starlets, with this look, the response is amazing. Folks either love it, or hate it.
I think it's more so, the shape of the bra's, underneath that created that shape on the outside, that people aren't used to seeing.
Vintage under garments create such a different shape, than under garments of today. The bullet bra, the pointy bra, the cone shaped bra, as well as that similar shape, with corsets and bustiers. That was the style back then, and so there weren't many other options.
Obviously, wearing a super tight sweater, with a bullet or cone shaped bra, is purposely trying to bring attention to the bust area. Also, many vintage bra's did not have very much padding, like a modern day push up bra. The shape, made the shape of the bust, but not much padding.
I've written articles on the vintage bra, and the 1950's Sweater Girl look. Here are just a few vintage images I adore, with this look. When I say, " few ", it's because I love the look and there are so many images, of all my favorite starlets, in this look. Pretty much, every vintage starlet, actress, singer, dancer, or model, had this look. Paired up with short shorts, pencil skirts, circle skirts, capri pants, and more!
I'm actually ready to do another Vintage Sweater Girl look, soon. Definitely many fabulous, vintage images, and beautiful, vintage starlets, as motivation, and inspiration.
In major motion pictures, theater, TV shows, commercials, advertisements, and every day life, as a secretary, home maker, etc., women wore bra's habitually until the late 60's. Women wore tight sweaters, blouses, and form fitting dresses. The, " hour glass figure ", is a shape that was desired by many women, and still is, under garments are essential in creating that shape.
Bellow, are vintage actresses, models, performers, and every day women, including myself. Thanks for reading.
Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince
Fashion Forecaster
Vintage Fashion Consultant
Instagram @princedianna
YouTube Dianna Prince

Dolores Donlon

Betty Brosmer

Sandra Harrison


Jan Sterling

Dianne Foster

Anne Francis

Patti Page

Carrie Lane

Anita Ekberg

Marilyn Monroe

Jayne Mansfield

Susan Hayworth

1954 Sweater Girl Swimsuit.


Diana Dors

Elizabeth Taylor

Joan Collins

Sophia Loren

Rita Hayworth

Pam Grier

Dorothy Lamour

Jayne Mansfield


Brigitte Bardot

Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince by David James. Published in an article, in Onyx Vintage Magazine.
I achieved my Vintage Sweater Girl look by wearing a vintage bra, and stuffing it with tissue! Lol, but it worked.
Las Vegas