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2019 Fashion Forecasting ( Lace Front Wigs ) Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince

It's said that, " the key to a successful business is diversification ". Lace front wigs have been trending and are as popular as ever, right now. I predict they will continue to be, for a very long time.  I've been working hard in school and my currently course. It's all about stocks and financial markets. My professor has also mentioned the positive power of a diversified stock portfolio, many times.  Applying that knowledge and concept to myself as a model. Everyone knows I'm stuck in a 1950's time capsule. The thing is, from the 1920's throughout the 1960's there are decades of various, exciting and fabulous styles. Within each era there are numerous styles. Pinup and vintage is diverse.  I've modeled looks from the 20's into the 60's, for magazine publication and product shots I've even dipped into the 70's and 80's, for fun product shots. My favorite era is the 40's, and I don't do those looks often, because it's true vintage. I don't have a substantial amount of wardrobe that looks 40's, and there aren't many pinup publications that do vintage issues. For over a year, I've been creating modern looks, always adding a vintage or pinup touch, whenever possible, when it fits. Modern pinup is not my favorite style of pinup. I rarely have wild color hair, I don't have lots of tattoos or interesting piercings, and I don't really like many modern heels. Back to hair and wigs. Back in the day, the eras I recreate often, wigs were extremely common. Had absolutely nothing to do with race, social class, I mean unless you couldn't afford them, and age was also an extension of women, from teens to old folks. Wigs were wore by regular every day women, and entertainers. Almost every vintage starlet I adore, wore a wig or hair piece, at some point. Could have been in a movie, for promotional shots, at an event, a photo shoot, etc. Some wore them rarely, as others wore them often. Thing is, is wasn't a question of, " is she wearing a wig "? Men and women were used to seeing wigs ad hair pieces, especially on public figures, such as entertainers, actresses and models. People were also used to women wearing under garments, not to show, but because it was proper. Obviously, models, burlesque performers, singers and actresses, would often show thigh highs, or pose in just lingerie. My point is, these were common things, whether it be a housewife, working woman, or entertainer. Like hair spray in the 60's! Big, huge hairdos, lots and lots of teasing and things like pieces added, or full on wigs, then a ton of hairspray! Teens to adults, our 1st lady at that time, women in many other countries, different ethnicities, different social classes, etc. Many women wore big hair and it was common. No one was like, " omg is that a wig. Or wow, she's wearing a wig so she must have no hair. Or, why are you wearing a wig when you have so much beautiful hair? Or, you're a fake woman with all that makeup and a wig. Or, omg does she know her hairdo, obviously looks like a wig? " I can describe today's society and lots of people's outlook on wigs, and everything above applies, until we get to the comments from people. Don't folks realize wigs been around for centuries! Decade after decade, various styles of wigs have been popular, in different countries, different ethnicities, different women loving them. It's not like wigs were just invented! I want to say that, I understand if you, personally, don't like wigs on yourself, or you don't like wigs on your mate. However, my point is, women wear them for countless reasons, not because they have no hair, not because they are neccesarily trying to fool the public, lol. There are women who love wigs and change them often,  to change their look, or wear the same style wig, often. A wig might be completely different than your hair, in every way, cut, style, color, texture, and you don't want to change your own hair permanently. I've always steered clear of wigs with no bangs, for a few different reasons. I hate my forehead, so the fact that I adore styles with bangs and they're popular in pinup, I'm lucky. I do love bangs, because there are so many different styles of them, just within pinup hairdos. I also feel, wigs with bangs look more realistic, but see, things have changed. We now have lace front wigs. We also have easily to install, clip on bangs, ponytails and extensions. No glue, just clips. Never had those things before. I'm certified as an extensions stylist, but lace wigs was not apart of my training. I've watched about 10, full videos, on installing a lace front wig, by a few different talented gals. Pretty much, everyone has their on individual, unique process, and their own tricks and tips. A few similarities in products and their processes, but each Stylist had something unique, that they do. Very interesting videos. I started using a bit of logic, on lace front wigs. #1, I wouldn't really want to keep mine on for days, or longer. One thing I've always loved about my wigs is I can take them off right away, after a shoot or an event. I have so much hair, so thick too, so I really have no desire to keep it under a wig cap and wig, for a long time. Way too hot. I do realize this will take me some real work, they're so many detailed steps. I just doubt I'll keep it on for more than a day. It'll be worth it! I think about how one of the main reasons I dislike wigs with no bangs, is because of my forehead, lol. So, I can place the lace front wig down, just a bite further, on my forehead area, than my actual hairline is, naturally.  Also, like I mentioned I dislike alot of wigs with no bangs, because of the front section, the hairline area. It doesn't blend well, and looks really fake. With lace front wigs, that solves that issue, too. They look way more natural, in the front area, because of the lace front, and the way the hair is sewn into the wig. I feel like I'm going to have a ball with this wig, and I'm very motivated to start learning and developing my own process. Finally, I can wear a ponytail, without hating my forehead area, and wear styles with no bangs, parted down the middle, to the side, etc., and it'll look natural, plus my forehead area will appear smaller! Yes, haha. So, when I think of diversification, people act as though within pinup and vintage, they're truly aren't a million different styles to recreate and create. I don't wear the same hairdo, same era, same looks, at every shoot, as you can obviously see, about me. I'm just not a huge fan of modern styles, hair, music or clothes. Fashion Nova inspires me to create modern looks more often. I'm really looking forward to styling this is so many fabulous styles once it's installed perfectly, pinup, vintage  and modern. Ponytails here I come, lol. This was a gift from my husband, and I doubt he knows how monumental this is, for me. Haha. I'm very happy with it, and as soon as a few styling products arrive, I'll use my knowledge and training from school, and the videos on YouTube, which are fantastic, to create some new looks. Btw, this is a synthetic wig, which can be styled with a curling iron, but not at high heat. It wasn't expensive at all. If you wanted a human hair wig, this texture and long, long length, you're looking at about $250, but can cost more than that, easily. The short modern, wavy Bobbed hairdo wig, that's extremely popular right now, if you want human hair, its about $100, and it's a short wig. So, lace front wigs aren't necessarily cheap, especially if you want human hair, and especially if you want it really long. There are many varieties too, like being able to part it any way, and how many different styles you can do, with certain ones. 

Keep in mind some wigs are synthetic, so make sure, if you plan to do various styles using extreme heat, that you buy a human hair wig. Read the details of every single style you fancy, before ordering. 

If you want a fairly long style, even a synthetic wig can cost $80 - $100, on average. Words like, " pre plucked ", mean they plucked the front hairs, around the hairline, for a more natural look. Many lace front wigs do not come that way, so that will have  to be apart of your process.  I'm very happy with the one I purchased, thus far. The quality and packaging is high quality. I can envision doing many pinup styles, even though it's long. The 1st image in this blog, is of the one I recently purchased, from Ebay. The one's below are from Google and I added the links.

YouTube, how - to videos, to see the numerous ways to install and what supplies and tools you'll need. Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince 

Fashion Forecaster 

Fashion Influencer 

Fashion Blogger  Instagram @princedianna 

Now let's look at some examples of lace front wigs, you can order online. ALWAYS look up the entire description, the companies rating or customer reviews. 

Expect to have some knowledge and skill on installing a lace front wig, properly, so it sits well and fits well. There is definitely a process, tools and additional supplies needed. 

See the price goes up, depending on length. It also can depend on the options in styling. 

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