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Social Media Influencer - Back In School Fulltime! Official Announcement

Right now I'm in school fulltime, again, and pretty much everyone knows this. I've been limiting my hours online, and that will continue. I'm enrolled at Yale University and Princeton University.  Every morning, very early, I'm up online to do, just a bit of work, then in class the rest of the morning. As far as random biz meetings over the phone, I'm no longer doing them. To be fitted into my schedule, we must schedule any phone meetings or interviews, ahead of time. I have many daily obligations and my daily routine, plus school now. School is a top priority and will remain so, the next 2 months. During this time, I will be on social media less. Aside from posting and promoting, I have monthly articles due, I style and photograph my clients, and myself, every week, every few days. Plus more, way more. I don't expect everyone to remember, every single thing I currently have going on, but please note, I will be on social media less, each day, I will not be available for random business meetings over the phone, or unscheduled, last minute interviews. I've recently been requesting, please do not call me in Facebook messenger, and that still remains. If we have a meeting or interview scheduled, please call my phone directly. Also, I prefer to keep communication, about biz, limited to Facebook messenger or email. My phone's text messages are what I use for family. Not to be difficult. I don't think it's too hard to remember. Biz related messages should be sent via messenger or email. Call my phone directly, if we have a scheduled meeting. Lastly, to the artist that contacted me, and asked for an interview. If we schedule a date and time, I add it into my day, and you flake on the interview, I will give you a 2nd chance, only. Apologize for wasting my time, reschedule the interview, and get it done. Otherwise, let's not waste time, that I don't have to waste. I think this goes without saying, however I'll say it. I don't just randomly pop up on social media for entertainment and fun, or to hook up with people for personal reasons. My purpose for being active on social media, is very clear. I also have an agenda, each day. I know folks, are assuming since I'm a housewife and home all day, it's very simple for me to just stop what I was doing, to focus on something totally different. The thing is, if I was focusing on something thats a priority and is important, I will have to completely stop, direct my focus on you, then redirect my focus back, on what I was originally doing. This can often cause mistakes, on my part, or simply time wasted. When someone sees that I'm on Facebook, it doesn't mean I'm bored, nothing to do, and have all the time in the world. I may have lots to post, a million people to get back to, a million notifications, and top priorities that are actual obligations. Most of what people see me doing, was already produced and already placed in my schedule, to promote. I'm also PAID for most of what people see me doing, or it brings me dough. I just don't do much random stuff, almost everything is planned. I see folks on Facebook all the time, that aren't available to chat, randomly, just because I see them online. Even replying to people, takes individual focus, so I'm concentrating on just them, and can give accurate information. Same as not making mistakes while writing an article, same as phone interviews. Focus is key, individual focus. Believe me, if it's about biz, if we're already involved in biz, I will get back to you. No random biz meetings, no random interviews, no calls via messenger. Inbox messages or emails about biz, and when I get the opportunity, I'll respond. One challenge I've faced many years now, in my personal life and biz, is people's assumptions about me being a housewife, and working from home, every day. I've tried my darndest to make it clear, everything I do is WORK. Doesn't matter if I'm at home, doesn't matter if I have no boss, and no co workers, doesn't matter that I don't work a 9 to 5, and punch a time clock, doesn't matter that I enjoy so many aspects of my career, its still SHEER WORK, period! School, alone, is a challenge, a daily challenge and work every day, because I'm in school fulltime. Some days, I could honestly just, wake up, get in class, take a break to eat, back in class, then back to bed! I completed a entire unit, that could have taken me a solid month, in a single day!!! That included hours of lectures and 3 whole exams!  Again, I do not expect everyone to keep up on, all my current events, just be informed about how my current schedule, effects them. I'm not going to feel pressured or stressed out over receiving messages, and not being able to reply right away. I'm not going to worry about missing phone calls, if a meeting or interview was not scheduled at that time. There's no way I can complete my current course, in record time, ace every exam, and continue doing ALL I was doing, before school. It's impossible. Things must be eliminated fully or limited time on everything. I also, recently, enrolled in a 2nd course, that I've yet to begin.

No one sees me cooking and cleaning, but believe me, I do it! No one sees me spending hours building sets, styling and photographing myself, no one sees me writing articles, researching every day, contacting numerous people, every day, etc., but believe me, I do it! I hope people I am currently doing business with, read this and understand why its relative to them. I took one day off from school, the other day, and I was so busy! No matter what, that's not going to change anytime soon. 

Officially, I'm managing one pinup model, a publicist to another pinup model, and a publicist for a hip hop icon. Any biz that is paying me, will undoubtedly take top priority, as well as school. My daily housewife duties, take top priority and interacting with my public, my fans, because as a social media influencer, that's a major element to my career!  Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince Instagram @princedianna 

Wardrobe by Fashion Nova 

Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince 

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