Plaid Fashions - Then & Now ( Vintage and Modern Starlets ) Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince
Plaid is such an iconic and timeless print. This blog is to showcase the many past & present celebrities and starlets, who wore plaid...

Translucent Wardrobe - Then & Now ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince )
Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj

Vintage Fendi Print - Trending ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince )
I noticed the orginal, old school, vintage Fendi print returned in popularity, recently. All it takes is one celebrity to rock a certain...

Trending - Translucent Kicks ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince )
Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince Pinup Dolls Photography Fashion Nova Another fashion blog on translucent heels and boots. A fashion trend...

Cardi B - Sensational Sunnies ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince )
I love many of the styles we've seen Cardi B rock. She has definitely worn some fabulous sunnies, most of which are by Fashion Nova, who...

Sunglasses, Pearl Trim -Trending ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince )
Another fashionable, fabulous fashion trend, that I love. Right now, as far as sunglasses, Fashion Nova has such a huge selection, and...

Mesh Socks & High Heels - Trending ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince ) Fashion Nova
( Above, Listed on Depop by precisediamond ) A modern day fashion trend that I adore! I previously blogged on fishnet socks, worn with...