Vintage Fendi Print - Trending ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince )
I noticed the orginal, old school, vintage Fendi print returned in popularity, recently. All it takes is one celebrity to rock a certain look or brand, and almost overnight it'll become popular in the mainstream. That's when all the copy cat companies invest in similar designs, and rack in the dough, from the average consumer who can't afford the name brand version, but adore the look.
I kept seeing this print, and honestly didn't dawn on me, why it was so familiar, until after I ordered an outfit, a bodysuit with similar print. I definitely did not order it because I thought it looked exactly like Fendi printed designs. But, I kept seeing that same print and finally realized it was Fendi, and their old school logo, print, with brown and black colors. Celebrities like Lil Kim, who was a very popular female rapper in the 90s, and early 2000's, put high end brands such as Fendi, on the mainstream, fashion map.
I'm sure back then, there were of course knock off companies and brands who copied them, but more so now than ever. I can understand it being uncool, yet the average consumer can't afford a pair of pantyhose that cost 200 bucks, $1000 outfits, $1500 shoes, etc. They still want to look fashionable, in designs and prints they adore, and they have money to spend, just not that much.
As far as big time celebrities, ones that have been in the biz awhile, not a short time, overnight success, one hit wonders, but those with long dough, are heavily into high end fashion, and wear nothing but the best, will never buy cheap name brands, no matter how much they are trending.
Like as an example, Rihanna. Yes, shes a very successful and talented artist, worth tens of millions of dollars, and seriously into high fashion. She is a celebrity who these knock off ready companies, copy. She wouldn't be caught dead in a brand like Fashion Nova! Gucci, Fendi, etc., etc. Those designers and brands send her stuff to wear, and I'm sure she invests heavily as well, in top name brand designer clothes.
Same with Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj. These are not celebrities brand new, just beginning to build their brand, and have a million or a few million. The top, high end name brand companies, want them in their designs, as they are extremely popular and very rich women.
You look at an Amber Rose, Blac Cyna, Cardi B. Sure they are still currently trending on social media, have big followings, and plenty of knock off companies pay them, such as Fashion Nova. Although well known on Instagram, and even extremely popular like Cardi B, they aren't major hitters, major stars with proven long jevity, and hundreds of millions in the bank.
Fashion Nova offered Kim Kardashian 1 million dollars, to post a single ad, endorsing their brand, just one ad, a million bucks! She's worth hundreds of millions, she's been very popular a long time, she has the top designers and high end brands, dying to send her gowns and clothes, and she invests heavily in designer clothes.
Fashion Nova has not only copied her outfits exactly, they've also copied her husband's clothing brand designs, often, without paying them, or the brands and designers, who they copied off of. Kayne asked her not to work with Fashion Nova, even for a cool million, and instead he sent her a check for that million EXACTLY.
So, I do understand why knock off ready companies irritate the people they are directly copying, but the average consumer just can't afford those looks, in high in name brands. Plus no celebrity with real money, is going to choose a cheap version at $20, instead of the real version that's $500!
I happen to love Fashion Nova just as much as I love certain high end brands, and even no name brand clothes. The outfit I bought was super cute, and would flatter someone 2 sizes bigger than me. Love the print and was more of a pale pink and black, not tan or brown and black. It did absolutely nothing for my shape and swallowed my curves. Love it, just not on me.
Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince
Fashion Forecaster
Instagram @princedianna

Kim Kardashian

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