Lace Front Wigs. Buyer Be Ware or Research & Use Common Sense!

Nicki Minaj
Buyer be ware,... more like, use common sense or waste your money. Any human hair wig long as heck, especially with the 360 lace, gonna run you $500. Yeah, maybe less, but hundreds, for sure. Weaves used to cost up to a grand, and still can. Gotta consider the installation fee, too. But no, you're getting human hair, which they make wigs out of a variety, for $20, $30, $50. Not gonna happen on your life! If you had the knowledge, training, skills, tools and supplies, to make your own lace front, or 360 lace wig, the hair alone, won’t be cheap, if it's human hair. So, please believe, if a celebrity who has lots of dough, or some with lots of dough, is wearing a, " laid ", wig, fabulous, and its human hair, plus it’s long af, hair plus install, $600 EASILY! Cardi B was talking about the cost of a manicure and acrylic nails. Keep in mind, designs like she’s talking about, are hand done, on each nail, and that’s after applying or maintenancing them. So, were talking about hours of someone’s professional time. Then supplies, tools and products. Crystal’s on each individual nail, plus more, it can cost $300 EASILY! Again, same as with hair extensions or lace front wigs, the supplies cost, the hair isn’t cheap, then you’re paying for the expertise and their time. It can take hours to braid the hair down, lay the wig cap down properly, and apply the wig, to look natural. Many stylists prepare the wig, itself, before hand. This can be a lengthy process. Synthetic wigs. Many different levels of quality. The hair can be awful, completely shinny, looks like plastic, the lowest quality stitching, lowest quality cap inside, poorly made. Costume wigs can be exactly like that, buy not always. Hair can be synthetic and still be good quality, quality materials and stitching. And now, we have fiber that looks like hair, and can be styled, using a curling iron, up to medium heat. Synthetic wigs can also be costly. The more resesch you do, you’ll see. Honestly, I tend to look at the online stores that specialize in African American haircare products. The wigs they sell always arrive looking exactly like the product image. When you deal with all these individual Chinese manufacturers and companies, it can be hit or miss. I say, research 1st, and always, then use logic and common sense. Short, lace front wigs or 360 lace, human hair, can cost $100, in average. Apply that knowledge and do a bit of mathematics. Short, straight Bobbed hairdo wig $100. Long, lace front or 360 wig, human hair, down to your butt,.... $ 600. If a fabulous, quality made synthetic wig, that’s long, and lace front or 360, it can still cost hundreds. It’s the quality of the hair, and the materials used to make it, that dictate the cost. Just like any garment. Same as getting your nails done with no designs or simple details, verses crystals and extravagant designs, on each nail. I went into detail about the past, and how wearing wigs was extremely common, in certain eras. For me, if I do a modern look, which isn’t often, I prefer to have a wig that looks as natural as possible. In pinup, it’s like we know whose wearing wigs, and it’s so so common with vintage hairdos. I’ve listen to so many stylists talking about their methods and process. One stylist said, customizing your wig, in the front area, on the hairline, can take you anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours! She said, it depends on the individual, and what look you want. Many stylists say, even if a lace front wig is pre plucked, they still pluck it and customize it, by hand. I’m using images of Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, because if you haven’t figured it out yet, yes they wear wigs ALL the time, and so do many celebrities, as well as a huge amount of the mainstream. I think some wigs are more obvious, but at the same time, it’s you all about glam, and looking fabulous, about dressing up. Not about looking your natural self, that’s not what glam is about. Enhancing your natural features, yes. But over exaggerating every detail. With Kim Kardashian, I feel she’s wearing a combination of different things. Some hairdos look like a lace front wig. Other hairdos look like a 360 lace. And some hairdos look like either a half wig, or extensions added. Meaning, some of her natural hair was added and blended. I’d say, that’s the biggest challenge, with all clip on bangs, clip on ponytails, extensions, full wigs or half wigs. The blending is essential and everyone always looks at your roots. There are wigs on Ebay. Extravagant, detailed, huge hair, vintage styles, and thet go under Drag Queen wigs. They are human hair, very detailed, and the front lays down well, with glue, etc. They sell for hundreds, and this isn’t new. Burlesque performers and more, have been sticking their hair down, applying wig caps, and using glue to install wigs, for decades. When you see someone on YouTube do it with easy, its because they’ve done it millions of times, already. It takes serious skill to do, all that, on yourself. Even these videos that are trending on these slid on wigs. #1, look at the way their hair way laid down, underneath the initial wig cap. Look at the precision, the skill level. That’s just on the wig cap. #2, those videos are of people who did not lay the wig down with glue. I personally, wouldn’t want to wear a wig, with no frontal clips, no Bobby pins in place, just a band, and it slides off so easily. Most stylist would take wigs like that, and apply some skill and glue it down, which they call, " melting ". So it really looks like the part and hairline are melted into your skin, like its really your hair. Cutting the lace front, part, then the plucking, then the gluing, then the blending and makeup around the edges, even using heat on the roots, plus gel. Any one of those steps takes time and skill. You can make a $30 synthetic wig look fabulous and natural looking, if that’s what you want. Hairdos with 1k in human hair weave, can look sloppy or unappealing. You will always see a difference in quality when it comes to materials and craftsmanship, of any product. Then your skill, or a stylist’s skills, come into play. There is also maintenance involved, which means additional money and time. To see an ad showing quality hair, immediately look at the price! People order a full length gown, from Ebay, looking at the picture and trusting the company, pay 20 bucks, and actually expect a high quality gown! Whose at fault here? Yes, false advertising indeed, but as an adult, we must use common scene. If the material is high quality, that dictates a higher price. You expect a high quality material, well made gown for 20 bucks? Yikes. So, for all these video ads going viral on Facebook and Instagram, showing these fabulous looking wigs, lace front, long and luxurious, but cost 20 bucks,…. Think twice! Look at the comments on Facebook, not just on their website. Same as buying anything on Ebay, always look at any reviews and the feedback each seller has, recently. If so many people are saying, don’t buy, looks nothing like the picture and is poor quality, use common sense, plus consider how cheap it is. I’ve bought wigs for inexpensively prices, that looked fabulous, once styled. However, I feel I have an eye for spotting inexpensive wigs, that will end up looking great. I feel I have the skills, to enhance certain wigs. As I mentioned above, in pinup its usually not a case of trying to make a wig look realistic. In Glamour, its definitely not about trying to look natural and realistic. Just like with certain under garments, that create a unique, defined shape, underneath clothing, you purposely wakt that dramatic effect. I just think the average consumer should do, exactly what the title of this blog says. Read the entire description before purchasing. Consider the supplies and tools needed, to go along with whatever you’re buying. Consider that you may need to hire a professional, or spend time learning and practicing alot. I think so many gals are utterly clueless on how to even lay their hair down, underneath the wig cap. Nonetheless, to properly, “melt”, it down, to look seamless and flawlessly laid flat, at the edges. Gotta master that 1st, if that’s apart of the process you choose to do. Publicist Dianna Prince Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince
Let’s get to the examples, starting with Kim Kardashian.

Next up, Kylie Jenner

Next, Kendall Jenner

Next is Nicki Minaj

Below are some examples of lace front and 360 lace wigs sold online.

Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince
Publicist Dianna Prince
Fashion Forecaster