Cover Shoot! 1960's Pinup ( Photographer Raymond Anthony Photography ) 5 Star Auto Repair

Hello Sweet Peas! This blog addition, will be added to, once the cover drops! Which, will be April 2016!
I must thank Bobby at 5 Star Auto Repair. Located in Las Vegas. This awesome 1965 ride, the Avanti, went so perfect with my 1960's look! I am very grateful. I must thank my amazing photographer Raymond, for photographing me and producing great edits! Big thank you to the magazine, which I will announce when I formally able. All my lovely fans, friends and supporters!
Covers ROCK! Springtime pinup, 1960's cover! I will add the cover, the images and my tear sheets. As well as my style guide, on my entire wardrobe. xoxo
( Pleae enjoy these unedited, BTS, sneak peeks! My sunglasses by )
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