Get The Modern Celebrity Look - Kylie Jenner ( by Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince ) Fishnet High He

Tony White Photography
Hello all, and welcome to my 1st blog on my modern fashion predictions. The celebrity edition. A little background on me 1st. I am Dianna Prince, professionally trained and certified Fashion Forecaster, Image Consultant and Personal Stylist. I also have other certifications and knowledge on makeup contouring, hair extensions styling, and I specialize in pinup and vintage. I'm a professional pinup and vintage model and social media influencer. Being a clothing model, social media influencer, columnist for 2 pinup magazine's, internationally published, a cover model, and lover of vintage fashion, is all so amazing. In so many aspects I'm living my dream! Fashion is a passion of mine, since I graduated from Barbizon School of Modeling when I was young. I collect and truly adore vintage garments especially vintage lingerie. This year I graduated from The New York Institute of Art and Design! Being a fashion influencer is something new to focus on. Modern isn't my norm, but many modern fashions do inspire me, and look fabulous. In pinup we have " modern - day pinup ". The hairdos are always pinup, a vintage style, but the clothing can be a variety of things. I ordered some fishnet socks, sometime last year. They sat, and sat. I adore modern - day pinup, but it's not my #1 favorite, and I rarely ever shoot full modern looks. I put together this outfit, that had so many modern, and many vintage details. My hair was a classic Bobbed style wig, which has been such a popular style since the 20's. It changed into different variations, but the based cut, has remained popular almost 100 years! I've blogged on that hairdo, I've been published countless times, many covers as well, and wrote a long, published article on the history of the Bob. My outfit was black and white color based. I had no bright colors on my face or within my outfit. I love suspenders, a very simple accessory that adds a vintage touch. If you reseach vintage starlets, vintage pin-ups, and vintage fashions, suspenders have been around, and popular for ages. Worn by men, but many vintage models, too. Worn with shorts, pants, skirts, and some of those garments have built in suspenders. Atomic Jane Clothing is a fabulous clothing company, and I'm proud they are now apart of my brand. It's extremely exciting and amazing to model so much for them! I actually love, love every item they have sent me. The bustier I wore for this shoot, just couldn't be an sexier. The details are sensational, and it definitely showcased my busy area, well I think. This is an item, a garment I consider a wardrobe staple, in many ways, because of it's color black, and versatility. The skirt is from Ebay, under $20. Also the suspenders are from Ebay, under $10. I loved the skirt the moment I came across it. Definitely versatile, too. I see various style blouses, sweaters, tops, corsets or bustiers matching with it well, and bright colors too. Black and white striped clothing is classic. In the 1940's and 1950's, so many people, models, starlets, etc., wore striped shirts especially. Suits, dresses, skirts, tops, pants, and shoes,.... black and white striped material remains popular. My heels!!! I would say they favor a more vintage look than modern. The design on the front and open toe area, has a 1940's design. The heel has a late 50's, 1960's shape, with a small platform. The stripes on the platform area and entire heel area, are fabulous!!!! Classic black and white stripes, that match the pattern, the print, of my skirt. Heels from Ebay, and were so inexpensive, a few of my clients also ordered their own pairs! Now to the main garment!! My fishnet socks, purchased on Ebay, yes of course. Very inexpensive and I see they sell them with different little design details added, and in a variety of colors. I honestly think with modern sneakers these socks will look very cool. I don't own modern tennis shoes, but if I had a pair of Adidas, classic design, I'd add these to create a unique look, chic, urban, modern, youthful look. I created my entire look, booked my awesome photographer, and we did the shoot months ago. I can't wait to see the edits in print, featured in a pinup magazine, maybe 2 different magazines! If I can land a cover, I'll be extremely pleased. So, there I was on Instagram recently, and low and behold I see, who sporting fishnets socks and heels? Kylie Jenner, young fashion and makeup mogul and future billionaire. She just turned 21, so it's safe to say she's up on modern fashion, what's hot and trendy and she sets fashion trends. I now, since her post of her in fishnet high heels, see numerous fashion bloggers posting theirs. Who knows who actually began the trend. When I 1st saw the fishnet socks I bought, last year, they had a model wearing sneakers not high heels. I just created that look on my own. Kylie Jenner was the 1st celebrity I've seen with them on, and hers are actually high heels with the fishnet socks attached permanently. She posted her pic wearing them, like a week ago. I researched and found similar styles, as well as very different but all with the fishnet material and high heels. Prices on Ebay, from like $25 to around $60. There are a pair that are very similar to the ones Kylie wore, for about $60. Alexander Wang sells a pair, very close to the $60 one's on Ebay, but they cost $1300! I can only assume Kylie has an expensive, high end, name brand pair. I'm considering buying the $60 pair, one day. Maybe ask for them for my birthday this year. I think they can be extremely versatile and worn with endless outfits, many different looks, and in modern - day pinup.
If you already own fabulous heels you'd love to see with fishnet socks you can order a pair, then place them over your heels, for a photo shoot. I don't think I'd place them over heels then go out, as they may not be safe, but for pictures yes. If you buy the actual heels with that material built in, they are going to be safe to walk in. If you want to wear them inside the heels, they are easy to find and inexpensive to purchase.
Such a unique and now trendy accent to add, which I predicted last year, and did my shoot wearing them, months ago! My very 1st Celebrity Fashion Trend Prediction, if you will, lol. Look for more. Classic hairdos that were very popular and are timeless, and polular, vintage style, garments are things I study, model in, and wear. I'm always either going to incorporate a vintage aspect or spot them in other model's looks, even modern starlets. Thanks for reading, view examples bellow, and look for my next fashion forecast soon. I must say thank you to Tony White and his excellent photography. Thank you to all my supportive fans and followers. Much love. Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince Instagram @princedianna
Atomic Jane Clothing
Instagram @atomicjaneclothing
Use my code diannaprince25off and receive 25% off your entire order, shop today!

Kylie Jenner, with her unique and totally fabulous look,.... fishnet high heels and a blonde Bob.

CLEO THIGH HIGH HEELS by Alexander Wang. $1300. Sold out.

By Alexander Wang, $500.

Above are various styles found on Ebay. $25 - $60.

So many cute and unique versions of fishnet socks!

Adorable casual looks with fishnet socks and tennis shoes.

Great look for a photo shoot! Image found on Ebay. Love the classic, non platform heels, with the fishnet socks and big satin bow.

Above are 2 behind the scenes images of me during my shoot. As you can see, I turned my fishnet socks around, so the bow would be showcased in the front. My favorite items in my look were, the socks and heels, and that fabulous bustier!
Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince