Get The Celebrity Look - Beyonce ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince )
Upon my Instagram travels, I came across a collage of 3 female singers, in it was Beyonce. I noticed she was wearing a similar looking black, catsuit, that I recently modeled in, and sold.
Between Beyonce and Nicki Minaj, I don't know whose my #1 favorite, for modern day fashion inspiration!!! Always a thrill to see that I have modeled in something, that was similar in the taste of beautiful starlets, vintage and modern, that I adore.
Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince
Fashion Forecaster
Social Media Influencer
Fashion Influencer
Fashion Blogger
Personal Stylist
Vintage Image Consultant
Instagram @princedianna
Twitter @pinupdianna
YouTube Dianna Prince


Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince
Ebay, under $25
Jewelry by Fashion Nova
Lipstick by Burberry
Heels by Steve Madden