Trending NOW! Multi - Colored, Striped, Sequins Jumpsuit ( Fashion Forecaster Dianna Prince )
Spotted this trend and I predict it will be a hit during this year's, 2018 Winter holiday season! This is a jumpsuit, although modern looking, I adore. It could definitely be worn to create a 1970's fashion look.
Fashion Nova is honestly the place to go if you want to see the latest fashion trends that have gone mainstream. Yes, they copy what's popular, usually because it was a style garment that a current, popular celebrity worn, and recently.
Personally, I guess because I'm not a designer, and although I am a model, I'm a consumer too, I'm no mad.
Once the material is higher quality the price has to go up, once you slap a high end designer label on it, the price will go up. Quality material isn't cheap.
I rarely buy clothing for my personal life. Since I model for a company that sells and sends me tons of fabulous pinup dresses, and skirts, those items I will wear in my personal life. So basically, when I order garments it's usually for a photo shoot. Meaning, I will only wear it once, and 9 times out of 10, I'll sell it, so I'm never buying expensive stuff.
With my outlook and financial position, I can't afford expensive clothing, for personal or shoots. To buy a jumpsuit, no matter how very much I adore it, that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars,..... it's not a reality! So, I can appreciate Fashion Nova, even though I'm not into modern looking clothing.
I do understand why designers get upset, yet there will always be rich people and rich celebrities that will only buy high end, so if something is trending they won't be buying Fashion Nova.
" Smoke, lights and mirrors ". Like in the movies, photo shoot wardrobe doesn't necessarily have to be expensive or designer, to look fabulous! If anyone knows that, it's me. I have pants that are designer, very high quality material, and were originally priced at $350! I love them just as much as I love a bodysuit, that's not the highest quality material and cost me 5 bucks! If I love it, it can look great in images, but not always be high quality material and expensive.
This print, the rainbow colors, and material are being used to create a few different designs of a jumpsuit. Google, " multi colored, sequined, striped jumpsuit ". You will find several images and companies selling them, including Fashion Nova. The prices range from $70, to hundreds.
Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince
Instagram @princedianna

Fashion Nova

Taraji P Henson, on the tv show Empire. 2018