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My Viva 2019 Plans

I'm happy to see everyone so excited about Viva. I think I may go to the car show's opening day, and into the casino after. I'm doing one boudoir hotel shoot, on a different day. Maybe I'll get the ticket for the car show's main day only. Either way, I'm only attending one official event. I think back to all the years and the positive and negative experiences I had. I'm less excited year after year. There's really only one person I must see this year, and we've already made plans. Also, I'm unsure of exactly what dates, but I'm planning a trip to New York! It would be excellent if it was next month but most likely it'll be in April, and Viva is in April. Flying there and back is the least expensive thing. It's my hotel, taxi's and food expenses that will be a bit costly, when added together, plus my plane ticket. Right now, if I had to choose to spend money on Viva or New York, I'm choosing New York. There are people I met up with before at Viva, or worked with them and never saw them again. There are people that say we'll meet up and never make the effort. There are many clicky type people, that hang out with only certain people the entire time. I remember one year, I had a clear plan on what all I wanted to do at the car show, and went with 2 other gals. Just barely walking in, I want to relax and settle in, then get to the agenda. One gal was on the same page as me, the other wanted to walk around everywhere right away. I've went with people where they wanted to do, too much chillin, for me. They didn't have the same goals as me for going. I ended up not getting the interviews I needed. I also realized how I can loose focus while I'm shooting, with the wrong people around. I had a few other little unpleasant experiences, but I had so many fun experiences, way more positive than negative. I just don't feel totally excited about it because I'm not personally connected to many professional pinups. It's not like Vehas has many. From a biz standpoint I actually have to go. I can name so many reasons why, #1 being the fact that it's the biggest Rockabilly event in the world, and it's in my city. The fact that gals love pinup, shoot pinup all year, invest in pinup shoots, clothes, etc., then live in the same city as a huge Rockabilly and Pinup event is held every year, and don't plan ahead to attend, is beyond me. It's so much fun, it's only once a year, so many events all day and night. So many people to meet, and photo shoots. People from all over the world attend, and to live here and not go, isn't something I can relate to. I understand the high rollers ticket isn't cheap, but you can still attend just the car show, and inside the casino are so many people from the event. You don't need any tickets to have fun in the casino, during Viva. For the official events yes, but there are tons of people hanging out inside the hotel and casino, and singers performing in various bars inside. I think of the great lengths, time, planning ahead and the money people spend, to come here from all over the world, just for this event. It's like a vacation for so many people. Some people are here a solid week, attend so many events, relax, party, and do shoots too. When I think of that much of an investment, that much time, and what would I actually spend it on, if I had the choice? Well I don't need a plane ticket to go to Viva. I don't need lots of taxi's, because I live here, and only attending one official event this year. I don't need a food budget for days, or days at a hotel. At the same time, going anywhere is never free. Nice if I am with a gentleman who pays for drinks and food, but obviously I must have my own money. During Viva drinks, food and tickets cost. The photo shoots everyone is booking, costs, and so does the wardrobe and styling needed. I really plan to go to New York soon. I was already not excited for Viva, overall, this year. Now I'm super excited to visit New York. I can't afford to do it up here during Viva and visit New York, around the same time of the year. So my decision is quite logical. I want to have fun, but also get biz done. I can have fun at one Viva event, get my interviews, network, take some pictures, and do one shoot. Fun and productive,..... mission accomplished. Same with visiting New York,.... fun and productivity. I'm just way more willing to invest the money, and way more excited to go to New York, than attend several events at Viva. I have no doubt I'll always be involved in the pinup industry. I actually have no plans to stop. My plans are to branch out, in a different industry, which I began already. So many things the same, so many things are different. I must and will continue to focus on the things I'm involved, outside of the pinup industry. Not eliminating pinup, just not solely focusing on it. This means my daily focus, my goals, my plans, how much time and money I'll invest, and working with new people, has changed. As far as pinup, I'm not actively looking to work with anyone new, and haven't been for awhile. I'm actually very content with who I currently work with in the pinup industry. I'm not currently looking to expand. One of the most funnest thing about Viva are the live bands, and all the fabulous hairdos and outfits! Those things are motivation enough to at least go to the car show, and rolling solo doesn't sound too bad. I'll definitely be going to New York alone and I'm positive I'll have fun and get plenty of biz done. I understand Viva is all about money to many people, or only about having fun. I want to briefly combine both. If anyone personally asks to book me to do their hair, or borrow wardrobe, I'll be more than happy to accommodate them. I invited my company's 2 main models, that live here, to a hotel suite shoot, so I'm excited if they go. Other than getting a few interviews while I'm at the car show and inside casino afterwards, I don't have any desire to have to do so much biz, that I don't have very much fun. At the same time, I don't want to have too much fun, that I end up not getting the interviews I need, or too drunk, lol. The only way I can control my experiences, as much as possible, is roll solo or only meet up with one or 2 people. Someone who wants to also do both, fun and business. As a columnist for Delicious Dolls Magazine, with my own column several years now, I almost feel obligated to attend Viva. Look how many people are spending thousands of dollars to travel here just for it. Endless fun and networking, and I live here. On the same note, I feel a sense of obligation to be in New York at least once this year, and hopefully twice a year, starting next year. As long as I'm working with people who live in New York, or live back east, there's a biz purpose for being there, no soley going just for fun. 

Vintage Stylist Dianna Prince 

Image by Peter Smith 

Viva 2017

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